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Welding procedure qualification and welder qualification certificate

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Last update: 2021-12-21 13:13
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name:Welding procedure qualification and welder qualification certificate

key word:Welder examination, process qualification

Content introduction:

Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR) refers to the test process and result evaluation to verify the correctness of the proposed welding process of weldments.

Purpose of welding procedure qualification:

1. Evaluate whether the welding unit is able to weld the welded joints that meet the requirements of relevant industrial standards and technical specifications;

2. Verify whether the welding procedure specification (WPS or pWPS) prepared by the welding unit is correct;

3. Provide reliable technical basis for formulating formal welding process instruction or welding process card.

Training of designers and welding personnel:

1. Train designers and welding personnel to have a better understanding of ISO, ASME, AWS and other welding standards;

2. Review and modify the welding process specification on the basis of real working conditions;

3. Train welding personnel to carry out welding work with correct procedures and techniques;

4. Give suggestions to welding personnel to avoid welding failure and failure of certification.

Certification of welding process and welding personnel:

1. Test the raw materials of products according to relevant technical standards or technical documents;

2. Witness the welding process in the laboratory and the test meets the standard;

3. Provide qualification based on test results;

4. Verify the qualification of welding personnel and the performance of products based on standards.

Introduction to international welder certificate

Welder is a tailor in various metal material manufacturing and industry. His welding skills not only determine the quality of products, but also directly related to the personal safety of product users. The EU believes that only qualified welders can ensure the degree and quality of welding work.

Function of obtaining international welder certificate

1. Master welding operation skills applied in different industries to improve weld quality and welding efficiency.

2. Master solid welding theory to guide and solve welding defects, and become a technical talent in the welding field.

3. Develop occupational safety habits and fire awareness, so that students can avoid or minimize accidents in actual production.

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