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       1.  About our domain name, b2bgood.com and tradegood.net  are our 2 Domain name, both of them can be use, please record any one you like.
use this system, you can post you buy, sell, exhibit, and brand info on it, and will be translated in to Chinese  and post to China mainland. as you known, so many Chinese  manager do not known English.  how to let them know what you want,  translate to Chinese  words by automatic computer translator, this is free, maybe not exactly like human translator, but that enough to let Chinese  understand. any one has Interest about your info, will connect you, and if you want ,we will help both you to make the deal.

2. B2BGOOD is a global company established in 2015 and have presence in many countries.

 B2BGOOD company owns, manages and operate (www.B2BGOOD.com) which is considered one of the largest International Electronic Marketplaces worldwide for both exporting and importing countries. It connects traders with global whole sellers, buyers, importers & exporters, manufacturers and distributors in over 240 countries, quickly and cost effectively. Based on its unique services, powerful search engine, trade matching and product promoting tools.

 B2BGOOD have successfully helped numerous members increase them business. come to join us, you will be got free of publish your products,and read buyer infermation.

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