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自拍照片 爆款 2014夏装韩版女短裤百搭松紧带褶皱沙滩短裤

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brand: 与狼共舞

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Unit Price: 1.90USD/条
Min_QTY: 1 条
Storage: 176223 条
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-21 22:07
Company basic information

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Detailed description
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Brand:Dances with Wolves
Recommended retail price:$88
Supply category:In store
Place of OriginYiwu
Function:Absorb sweat, breathe freely, hip, antibacterial
Gram weight:150 (g / piece)
Fabric:Cotton blending
Pattern:Solid color
Thickness:Thin section
Pants length:Five trousers / pants
Year / season:2014 Summer
Main source:Making models
Color:White bottom blue five pointed star, bottom ash black five pointed star, white bottom green five pointed star, red white five pointed star, white bottom green dots, white bottom blue dot, bottom ash blue dot, white blue panda, grey black Panda
Whether foreign trade:Is
Marketing category:Factory direct sales
Whether one pants:Is
Foreign trade type:Exit
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