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男裤 特加厚丰彩棉冬款480克550克无缝卡拉绒加大一体裤

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Unit Price: Negotiable
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Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-21 21:45
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Detailed description
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Brand:Dance with Wolves
Suggested retail price:¥188.00
Source category:goods in stock
Place of Origin:Yiwu
Article No.:3804
Style:Korean version
Fabric composition:Seamless card fleece
Length:Ninth pants
Thickness:Thin money
Function:Warm, sweat absorbing, breathable, fat burning, hip lifting, antibacterial
Pattern:Solid color
Main drawing source:There are models in the actual shooting
Year / season of launch:Autumn 2014
Gram weight:550 (g / piece)
Color:Black (480g), gray (480g), black (550G), gray (550G)
size:Colorful cotton card brushed one-piece pants
Foreign trade or not:yes
Marketing category:direct deal
One piece pants:no

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