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【厂家生产批发】九牧王 PPR 6分 25给水管 自来冷热

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 200 米
Storage: 399800 米
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-21 00:45
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Detailed description
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Manufacturer (place of origin):Zhuji, Zhejiang
Nominal outside diameter:25(mm)
Purpose:home decoration
Wall thickness:--(mm)
Product specification:25 * 2.3 (cold water pipe), 25 * 2.8 (cold water pipe), 25 * 3.5 (hot water pipe), 25 * 4.2 (hot water pipe), larger quantity is more favorable
Color:Available in white, gray and green

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D30管径配汞头软管 【厂家生产批发】九牧王 PPR 6分 25给水管  自来冷热 海浪JSH型5150mm优质金属包塑软管/PVC包塑金属软管/金属包塑软管/平包金属软管/穿线管/蛇皮管/波纹管件
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