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男式毛衣工厂韩版特价批发地摊休闲男装毛衫 可挑款库存整单杂款

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Unit Price: 2.38USD/件
Min_QTY: 8 件
Storage: 397957 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-11 03:56
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Company basic information
Detailed description
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Suggested retail price:¥99.00
Source category:goods in stock
Style:Socket head
Version:Fit type
Collar type:No collar
Sleeve length:Long sleeve
Style:Korean version
Scouring category:Fashion city (24-35 years old)
Stock or not:yes
Inventory type:Whole order
Foreign trade or not:no
Color:The Korean version is popular, multi-color and multi-style. You can choose an appropriate amount of money for more than 100 pieces of a single order. The whole network supports exclusive replacement for up to 15 days. You can choose a large amount of money for the whole network
size:Average code
Wool type:Cotton
Ingredients:The collar type is not uniform, the style is not uniform, and the fabric is not uniform
Neckline shape:Round neck
Pattern:Stripe, plaid, solid color, dot, camouflage, broken flower, color matching, printing
Yarn type:Cotton / polyester
Suitable season:Spring, autumn, winter

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