Product categories: | men's wear |
Production category: | Sweaters, knitwear, sweater vest |
Production cycle: | 15 (days) |
Proofing cycle: | 3 (days) |
Production capacity: | 2000 PCS / day |
Schedule start time: | 2014.9.5 |
Schedule end time: | 2014.9.15 |
Brand: | Cabbeen |
technology: | jacquard weave |
Number of designers: | 3-5 |
Production grade: | high |
Style: | Europe and America |
Former partners: | Taobao crown merchants, tmall merchants, offline cooperative brands |
Sample: | yes |
Support incoming drawing proofing: | yes |
Main processing fabric: | knitting |
Processing category: | Sweater |
Color: | Black, jujube, sapphire blue |
size: | M,L,XL,XXL |
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