Suggested retail price: | ¥0.00 |
Product categories: | men's wear |
Production category: | Men's T-shirt |
Production cycle: | 7 (days) |
Proofing cycle: | (5 days) |
Production capacity: | 300 pcs / day |
Schedule start time: | Annual processing and production |
Schedule end time: | Long term order receiving |
technology: | Splicing |
Number of designers: | Less than 2 |
Production grade: | in |
Style: | Europe and America |
Former partners: | Tmall merchants |
Sample or not: | yes |
Support drawing proofing: | yes |
Main processing fabric: | pure cotton |
Processing category: | knitting |
Color: | Punching fee, large goods settlement, main drawing quotation |
Article No.: | MDsummer1429 |
Factory source: | Summer products |
Prepared fabric: | pure cotton |
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