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2014秋冬新款男装 男式圆领T恤 AF长袖休闲T恤衫 打底

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brand: A&F

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Unit Price: 4.92USD/件
Min_QTY: 3 件
Storage: 100000 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-01 01:37
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Company basic information
Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Source category:goods in stock
Article No.:8170
Suitable for people:youth
Fabric:pure cotton
Ingredients:100% cotton
Style:leisure time
Shopping category:Fashion city (24-35 years old)
Version:Slim fit
Collar type:No collar
Neckline shape:Round neck
Sleeve length:Long sleeve
Hooded or not:No hood
Pattern:Embroidery printing
Error range:1-2
Suitable season:Autumn, winter
Foreign trade or not:no
Stock or not:yes
Color:8003 royal blue, 8005 dark grey, 8006 flower grey, 8007 royal blue, 8008 Zaohong, 8011 white, 8012 flower grey, 8013 royal blue, 8014 Zaohong, 8015 royal blue, 8017 Zaohong, 8018 royal blue, 8020 black, 8104 white, 8004 Zaohong, 8136 royal blue, 8138 white, 8166 royal blue, 8116 white, 8170 royal blue
Special process:Embroidery / embroidery

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2014秋冬新款男装 男式圆领T恤 AF长袖休闲T恤衫 打底
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