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Welded Mesh Gabions

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brand: Welded Mesh Gabions For Erosion Control & Landscaping

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2024-07-23 08:52
Company basic information
Detailed description
 Rentai Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd. offers a comprehensive range of welded mesh gabions, made from welded steel wire mesh available in galvanized, PVC-coated, and Galfan-coated finishes. These gabions are durable and suitable for various environmental conditions. Available in multiple wire diameters, dimensions, and unit sizes, they are tailored to meet specific project needs. Ideal for gravity retaining walls, architectural cladding, barriers, erosion control, landscaping, and infrastructure projects, Rentai's gabions provide both structural integrity and aesthetic value.
Welded Mesh Gabions

Welded mesh gabions are made from cold-drawn steel wire that is electrically welded together. The wire is available in stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized, or Alu-Zinc coated options to ensure durability. Additionally, the meshes can be polymer-coated to protect against corrosion and weathering effects, particularly in salty and highly polluted environments.

Gabion Sizes

Welded mesh gabions are available in various sizes tailored for different uses, from structural projects to aesthetic applications.

  • 1x1x1m Gabion: Ideal for general use in retaining walls and landscaping structures.
  • 1.5×0.5×0.5m Gabion: Suitable for low retaining walls or garden borders, offering a longer and shallower design.
  • 1.5x1x1m Gabion: Provides increased volume for larger soil retention or landscape features.
  • 2x1x1m Gabion: Best for large-scale projects like extensive soil retention and sound barriers.
  • 500x500x500mm Gabion (Israel): A smaller cube, perfect for detailed, compact projects.
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