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原阳正大 郑州乳猪奶粉 1kg/包 小猪饲料 河南饲料厂家 预混料

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 10 袋
Storage: 5000 袋
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia Korea
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 21:12
Company basic information
Detailed description
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Pig feed series:

1, porket milk powder

Product standards: 1Kg/Bag, special offer: 166

Product characteristic:

1, the function like having a mother to breed, contain a lot ofyoung pig to like to mix easy absorption dairy produce.

2, to gastric bowel path disease has good precaution to dominate the result, enhance ability of young pig disease-resistant, reduce young pig to ablactation should stimulate.

3, use small peptide technology, antigen decreases on raw material combination, control have loose bowels, make young pig grows smoothly.

4, choose bowel to beneficial bacterium, can safeguard alvine path bacterium group evenly, control bowel way is evil bacterium group the growth of nap of development, stimulative small intestine.

5, high acidification, be changed via Peng and height is ripe change processing, appetite of your young pig is big, ensure inchoate and complemental nutrition and recuperation stomach bowel.

Service instruction:

Lure feed period: Be born5Day age begins to be lured with porket milk powder feed, must want to have clean lure feed dish, add every time10gOr so, one day is added2Second, before be being added every time, pour odd makings to the sow to eat.

Ablactation period:

1, every porket must eat enough4KgPorket milk powder;

2, must want to have makings chamfer, freedom is collected feed makings chamfer hour to have makings

3, enough, cleanness waters.

Use effect:

1, porket milk powder expects for pink, lure feeding habits good, dainty sex good, digestive rate is high;

2, collect appetite particularly big, porket milk powder collected appetite that day100gEvery above, the following day150gEvery above, the 3rd day200gEvery above, every porket10The day can take4kgPorket milk powder.

3, fight have loose bowels, excrement and urine what bulky, porket grows is fast.

Product effect:

1, eat more: Ablactation the first day to collect appetite to amount to2Two much, amount to the following day3Two much, 10 days eat8Jin makings;

2, do not drop fat: During ablactationing, porket should be not stimulated;

3, tension is rare: Decrease90%Above have loose bowels.

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