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牛羊营养舔砖 动物性饲料 舜德做中国好舔砖

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 吨
Storage: 10000 吨
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Africa
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 21:05
Company basic information
Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===

[use method] :

Free lap:

Depasture park of the quantity that put birds is pressed below the condition dry place, the suspension below the condition that abandon raise abandons baluster at the circle or put park feeding rack inside.

[function] :

1, three-in-one of environmental protection of health care of food of balance ration, compensatory nutrition, part;

2, disease of lack of precautionary metabolization disease, nutrition, prevent pica;

3, promote grow, progenitive, weightening finish, improvement yield a milk character;

4, reduce breed cost, improve integrated beneficial result.

[battalion nurturance is divided]

Lick a brick to contain a variety of microelement such as sodium, gooey, calcic, phosphor, iron, manganese, zinc, cobaltic, iodic, magnesium originally.

[suitable scope]

The prairie such as milk cow, beef cattle, sheep, goat, deer, camel is rasorial.


This product is applicable the fowl such as ruminant. The itself that lick a brick has control to lick lap quantity, in the function of optimal limits, unfavorable smash food, lest surfeit.

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