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热带鱼饲料 广东热带观赏鱼 水族 饲料 观赏鱼 颗粒型饲料

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Last update: 2018-02-02 20:56
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Detailed description
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Feed of small-sized tropical fish of Guangzhou of tropical fish feed views and admire piscine goldfish feed

[product brand] : Love baby

[product name] : Love baby is small-sized tropical fish is special feed

[product standards] : 20g in bags

[suitable scope] : The product applies to of all kinds and small-sized tropical fish

[product characteristic] : Be aimed at the physiology characteristic of small-sized tropical fish and sex of mouth of be addicted to, reach a variety of vitamin composition with dried fish floss, soya-bean cake, corn flour, yeasty pink, terramycin pink. This tasting with vivid bait makings photograph is compared, outside dividing close of protein, adipose content, still contain other component, can follow hello along with with, facilitating keep in storage, use convenient and sterilization of classics high temperature, have the effect that prevents disease, economic material benefit, it is your first selection love a fish.

[feed forefinger south] : One day is fed feed 1~2 second, allow with net amount eating to be inside 5 minutes.

[raw material comprises] : A variety of alga of pink of pink of advanced fish meal, shrimp, high grade yeast, wheat flour, wheaten embryo, terramycin pink, dried fish floss, soya-bean cake, albumen, defatted soja, helix, vegetable pink, vitamins, a variety of mineral wait.

Main nutrition index (% )

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre

Thick grey pink

Water portion

38.0% above

4.0% above

8.0% the following

12.0% the following

10.0% the following

[method of keep in storage] : Park is shady and cool and dry place, after using, seal namely.

[note] : The expiration period is two years, manufacturing date sees heal is in.


The experience of choose and buy of tropical fish feed is shared

Artificial synthesis feed has the advantage such as convenient, quick, sanitation, but tropical fish often not feel grateful, distain to be considered to synthesizing feed artificially. The artificial feed on the market is quite much, here cannot the manages every brand actor bad of one by one, and piscine taste has each different, although point out some brand also the fish that not likely can suit you to raise, but the method that here can suggest you use a choice to synthesize feed artificially.

1, decide whether the fish is polyphagia above all. Medium, small-sized fish is polyphagia basically, the fish of polyphagia accepts artificial feed the most easily. Large predacity fish, wait like Long Yu, saury, won't have artificial bait stuff commonly.

2, after certain fish can eat artificial bait to expect, want to see it belong to layer of which one water, surface layer fish chooses buoyancy feed, middle-level fish chooses the makings of half buoyancy bait with slow settling speed, rock-bottom fish chooses makings of heavy sex bait.

3, the size that wants mouth watching a fish finally, in order to judge the size of bait feed grain, watch a fish whether can get down. General normal to development fish, the size close of bait feed grain.

Tropical fishFeed classification

Artificial synthesis feed differs according to appearance can divide kind: Lump and pill form, chip shape, grain shape. Each type feed presents means in water differ, some is bleach buoyancy, some is heavy sex, some criterion but conglutinate at glass board go up, and convenient life is photographed in the fish of each water area feed. The raw material that synthesizes feed artificially has: Corn, flesh, fish and plant, added vitamin and mineral. Specific classification introduces as follows:

1, pill form feed, have bleach buoyancy and heavy sex two kinds, agree with respectively the fish that lives in superstratum and rock-bottom water area.

2, lump feed, but conglutinate is on vitreous board, as " food of going from place to place stands " , in order to feeds the fish that eats different water area; Also can throw lump bait stuff cast at benthic, for living in the fish of benthic edible.

3, makings of chip shape bait, the fish that suits feed predacity, maigre sex and polyphagia. It begins to be able to float on surface, sink slowly next, can feed the fish that lives in middle-level water area photograph feed.

4, makings of grain shape bait, this is divided again among them for fast heavy sex and buoyancy two kinds, fast raise of matters concerned of heavy sex feed feeds the tropical fish that lives in benthic layer, this kind of rock-bottom fish also is given priority to in nightly activity commonly, reason is nightly and OK feed more; Buoyancy grain basically changes grain feed for Peng, can float for long at surface, conduce to superstratum fish photographing feed, the feed that does not eat is scooped up easily also, reduce the odds that water is polluted.

Had these basises, can expect to bait of the choose and buy on the market. Before bait expects, the choose and buy can make market survey, the acceptance in nutrient recipe and fish has the with a few entrances brand with larger sales volume to be in outstandingly really on the gender. Additional, chip bait makings can disperse at each water layers, most tropical fish is acceptability. If the fish still does not agree to eat the feed that you choose meticulously, also be forced to be able to bear or endure strength is moved slowly religion.

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热带鱼饲料 广东热带观赏鱼 水族 饲料 观赏鱼 颗粒型饲料 锦鲤饲料 观赏鱼饲料 水族观赏鱼饲料【40g袋装】 广州大麦虫 大麦虫幼虫 特种养殖动物高蛋白质饲料 乌龟粮 散装龟饲料 通用乌龟宠物饲料 幼龟开口粮
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