Average kid to 3~4 lunar age can ablactation, on one hand to recover ewe body besides, also exercise the independent viability of kid on the other hand. To ewe a year two produce, its kid growth is good, or the kid that is used at fat kid production but in advance ablactations. Ablactationing method once the gender ablactations law and much day ablactation law. Use more one-time ablactation, be about to mother son parts absolutely, no longer be gregarious. After ablactationing, carry away ewe, kid still stays in argali to abandon raise, maintain original environment to kid as far as possible, the technology that raise a sheep is become Yang Qun is very big and lambing not quite when concentration or ewe grandma quantity are too much, often use much day to ablactation gradually law. Namely in 2~3 lunar age rises, mother son is apart by day, nightly be gregarious, son of again tertian mother meets, 3 days see one side, till ablactation finally. RR After ablactationing, kid presses sexual distinction, size, strong weak hive off, strengthen filling raise. Some areas the mood for stable kid, put the ewe that does not have lambing or wether in kid group inside, the effect is better. R Kid of Er of force of Beijing farming rich is carried fight should stimulate grain makings to basically contain the compensatory vitamin C with compound vitamin and indispensible effective microelement and potassium ion, to alleviating kid is long-distance should stimulate have stronger remedial result. RMain characteristic: R1, eliminate effectively should stimulate response below: R(1) , vaccinal immunity should be stimulated, ablactation should stimulate. R(2) , cold heat should be stimulated, feed not beautiful causes should stimulate. R(3) , excessive extruding, environment causes badly should stimulate response. R(4) , turn column, carry those who wait for an element to cause to should stimulate response, should stimulate sex appeal to risk to what line-haul causes particularly have restore function quickly. RR2, raise what should stimulate the kid below condition to grow speed and dry matter collect appetite. Raise feed to change efficiency, enhance kid immunity power. R3, improvement kid constitution, rise grow speed, reduce kid dysenteric occurence rate. R Er of force of Beijing farming rich contacts means: R R Phone: 010, 62112989R Contact: Piece managerR Mobile phone: 13811792984R
R online QQ: 765840410R
RRFirm address: Beijing Haidian area, 10 thousand Shouxi streets 4 buildings of edifice of 2 Wen BoRR
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