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泡沫铁镍 泡沫金属 多孔材料泡沫镍 泡沫铁镍厂家JYS

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brand: 嘉亿盛电子

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 213355 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2016-01-22 03:43
Company basic information
Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Brand:Jiayisheng Electronics
Texture of material:Pure nickel
Type:High efficiency
Purpose:Carrier materials for exhaust gas filtration of diesel and gasoline engines
Applicable to:atmosphere
Opening rate:98 (%)
Weaving method:Plain weave
Monofilament diameter:25.4(mm)
Mesh number:130 (mesh / inch)
Radial fracture strength:250(N/cm)
Wide in width:1000(m)
Density:320 (PCS / 10cm)
Performance:Antistatic, fireproof, waterproof, acid resistant, low temperature resistant, high temperature resistant, alkali resistant
Scope of application:Fan, aquarium, oil tank, coffee machine, filter pot, medical, air purifier, excavator, filter, automobile engine system, water pump, centrifuge, water purifier, sink, compressor, vacuum cleaner, paint room, sugar making, washing machine, applicator, air conditioner, lampblack machine, faucet, direct drinking machine
PPI:5-120 PPI (holes per inch)
Bulk density:0.15-0.45 g/cm3

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泡沫铁镍 泡沫金属 多孔材料泡沫镍 泡沫铁镍厂家JYS 泡沫铁镍 泡沫金属 多孔材料泡沫镍 泡沫铁镍JYS
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