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甲壳素粘胶纤维面料 功能纤维面料 甲壳素除臭内衣面料

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 3000 米
Storage: 17000000 米
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-12-29 15:00
Company basic information
Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Warp weft knitting:warp knitting
Composition and content:Chitin 40, viscose 55, spandex 5
Gram weight:150(g/㎡)
Width of cloth:160
Carding process:combing
Weaving process:Single side
Dyeing and finishing process:dyeing
Main purpose:Clothing cloth
Specific use:T-shirt, casual wear, sportswear, housewear, pajamas, underwear, fashion, lining
Item No.jks57
Color:Burgundy, orange, pink, green, army green, light green, blue, dark blue, sky blue, yellow, light yellow, chocolate, purple, dark purple, gray, beige, white

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甲壳素粘胶纤维面料 功能纤维面料 甲壳素除臭内衣面料 针织功能性面料 弹力莫代尔 氨纶纤维汗布 莫代尔面料 针织功能性面料 弹力莫代尔 氨纶纤维汗布 莫代尔布料 发热面料 腈纶纤维平纹面料 功能面料 内衣睡衣针织布料 细旦腈纶纤维面料 发热腈纶纤维发热超细纤维保暖内衣专用面料 出口腈纶服装面料 发热面料 进口腈纶纤维吸湿 功能面料内衣布料订做订作 保暖腈纶纤维面料 德国腈纶 发热保暖 内衣发热面料
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