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硫酸储罐 盐酸储罐 氨水储罐

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Unit Price: 761.90USD/只
Min_QTY: 1 只
Storage: 100 只
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-12-04 02:18
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Purpose:Food, pharmaceutical, water treatment, chemical industry, etc
PE water tank is processed by hollow forming method. It is mainly used to contain water, liquid chemicals, food, medicine and other substances. It has the characteristics of light weight, corrosion resistance and recyclability. The production process of PE water tank is as follows:In order to avoid the risk of purchase, it is recommended that you confirm the qualification of the supplier and the quality of the product before purchasing the relevant products. Recommend the use of Alipay guarantee transactions to protect your transaction safety! Supplier information year Cixi Hongsheng Plastic container Co., Ltd
Purpose:Food, pharmaceutical, water treatment, chemical industry, etc
texture of material:LLDPE
texture of material:LLDPE

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宁波厂家供应大型滚塑容器 pe水箱 厂家2000L塑料PE水箱,加药、化工液体专用容器 硫酸储罐 盐酸储罐 氨水储罐
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