Brand: | Baosteel |
Warehouse City: | Jiangsu |
Warehouse: | Suzhou |
Warehouse address: | Suzhou Xiangcheng District warehouse |
Warehouse Tel: | 0512-65785311 |
Quality level: | Agreement products (no quality objection accepted) |
Processing services: | No processing |
Distribution service: | Can be delivered to the factory |
Sales type of goods: | goods in stock |
Purpose: | Wide range, automotive, metal products, precision electronics, machinery manufacturing |
Product surface description: | nothing |
texture of material: | NAK80 |
Specifications: | Φ200-400,Φ200-400,Φ200-400,Φ200-400,Φ200-400 |
Product Name: | Plastic mould steel |
Origin / manufacturer: | Baosteel |
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