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特价 赞林玛咖精片全网最买5增1买10增3会员实惠更多

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Unit Price: 3.57USD/袋
Storage: 2000 袋
Delivery: After payment in 2 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-11-09 19:40
Company basic information
Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Brand:The extreme of ancient times
Raw materials and ingredients:Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain Maca powder
country of origin:Yunnan
alcohol content:None%
Health care function:Enhance immunity, improve sleep, promote digestion, relieve physical fatigue
Product bar code:6942702823911
Hygiene license:Dian Shi Jian Sheng Zheng Zi (20120) 0075
Product Standard NoQ/GZJ 0005 S
Net weight:8g ml
quality guarantee period:24 years
Manufacturer:Yunnan guzhiji nutrition Co., Ltd
Storage method:Seal and store in a cool and dry place
date of manufacture:May 20, 2014
Health care function:Enhance immunity, improve sleep, improve nutritional anemia, remove chloasma, promote digestion, relieve physical fatigue, relieve visual fatigue, nutrients
Suitable population:Middle aged and old people, people with low immunity, those who need to improve memory, easy to fatigue, poor sleep conditions, nutritional anemia, vision fatigue
Unsuitable population:Children, pregnant and lactating women
Packing method:Package size: 0.5g * 16 tablets

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