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厂家供应优质 100D密丝绒 不倒绒 四方立绒布 纬编绒布 绒布面料批发 沙发服装面料直销厂家

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Unit Price: 3.33USD/千克
Min_QTY: 1000 千克
Storage: 10000 千克
Delivery: After payment in 7 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-11-02 12:49
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Detailed description
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Specific uses:Sportswear, clothing, children's wear, casual wear, hats, toys, gloves, carpets, baby products, etc
Printing and dyeing process:Sanding, etching, scratching, sizing, printing, anti pilling, preshrinking, moisture absorption and perspiration, antibacterial, deodorization, etc
Alias:Korean cashmere square velvet without falling down
Place of Origin:Changshu
Ingredients:95% polyester 5% spandex
width of cloth:150-180cm
Specifications:On demand
Article NoMLYSFLR01
Gram weight:220-300(g/㎡) g/㎡
varieties:Korean cashmere square velvet without falling down
Yarn count:144F
Yarn density:On demand
Color:On demand
Weight:On demand
Main uses:Clothing cloth
Composition and content:95% polyester 5% spandex
Dyeing and finishing process:printing
Warp and weft knitting:Weft knitting

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