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品牌: Huaway Guardrail Engineering Co.

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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 全球
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-03-28 08:25

Galvanised Highway Triple Guardrail

Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail is a metal guardrail designed to provide added protection to vehicles on highways and roads. It is composed of three galvanized steel components and is designed to divide roads while providing greater protection against head-on collisions and other potential road hazards. The primary benefit of the Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail is its high corrosion resistance, which ensures the guardrail will remain strong and durable over time. Additionally, its sleek design allows for easy installation and maintenance. The Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail is most commonly used on highways and roads but can also be used in other areas, such as on construction sites and around shopping centers. When compared to standard steel guardrails, the Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail offers greater durability, corrosion resistance, and safety benefits.

Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail is a type of guardrail typically used in highway, road and bridge construction. The three rails provide an extra level of safety when installed on the side of a roadway, helping reduce the risk of vehicles crossing into oncoming traffic. The size and specifications of galvanized highway triple guardrail vary depending on the application, but generally consists of three rails that measure 25'-30' in length and 8"-10" in height. With proper maintenance and care, the service life of galvanized highway triple guardrail can last up to 30 years.

Galvanised highway triple guardrails are mainly used for Race Track and Highway Road Construction projects.
We supply American standard AASHTO galvanized highway triple guardrail.

Galvanized Highway Triple Guardrail Systems
Galvanised triple guardrail beams
Channel beams / Posts
Spacers and other mounting pieces

Triple Guardrail Assembly

Details reference:

The centre line is related to the front edge of the guard rails.
The guardrail beam is supplied with additional mounting pieces.
Cut steel washer of 45 mm diameter ( Bolt hole approx. 18 mm diameter ), 4 mm thick where the bolt head is provided with an oval shoulder, a circular seat is milled in the washer to fit it ( 2-mm deep, 29-mm diameter ).

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