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特价批发马桶 超漩虹吸式座便器 九牧王坐便器 酒店工程 专业

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brand: 九牧王

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Unit Price: 66.67USD/套
Min_QTY: 1 套
Storage: 3000 套
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-20 23:42
Company basic information

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Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
texture of material:ceramics
Structural form:Conjoined type
Flushing method:Siphon type
Drainage method:Ground row type
Minimum pit distance:300 to 400
Flushing volume:6
Place of Origin:Chaozhou, Guangdong
Processing method:Logo labeling
Specifications:700 * 405 * 720 * pit distance 300mm, 700 * 405 * 720 * pit distance 400mm, 700 * 405 * 720 * pit distance unknown
Foreign trade or not:no
Quality grade:AAA

Please contact the supplier directly.

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批发2014冬款正品九牧王男式牛仔裤男装直筒裤中年款大码裤子 秋冬季九牧王长袖t恤正品中老年男士休闲装毛衣厚款圆领羊绒毛衣 2015九牧王男装精品牛仔裤夏季薄款纯棉免熨商务休闲裤水洗牛 2014冬款正品九牧王休闲裤加绒男式直筒裤中腰全棉裤子男士长 批发2015春季新款九牧王男士牛仔裤 高档全棉商务直通 一件 2015夏季男士正品上衣九牧王中年商务休闲薄款翻领印花短袖T 2015春装新款九牧王丝光棉混纺衬衣男士长袖条纹衬衫休闲男装 九牧王西裤春夏季薄款中年男士休闲裤羊毛料免烫修身正装长裤子
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