POP -HOT WDS: cti  DRIER  50g  fabrics  g33  格子  araf  flig  not  一家 


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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 套
Storage: 1000000 套
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-08-04 11:58
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Detailed description
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The advantages of the fertigation.
The fertigation compared with traditional surface irrigation, has the following advantages:
1 to improve the utilization of water: the utilization rate of drip irrigation can reach 95%. General 30% ~ 50% than the ground water irrigation, about some crops up to 80%, 10% to 20% ratio of irrigation water.
2 save fertilizer: in the right amount of water and nutrients directly to the root, improve the fertilizer utilization.
3 save labor: irrigation is the network water supply, convenient operation, and easy to control, and thus can save labor. At the same time, irrigation is partial irrigation, most of the surface to keep dry, reducing the growth of weeds, but also to reduce the labor for weeding.
4 irrigation uniformity: irrigation system can be effective control of the water flow rate of each emitter, and thus the uniformity of irrigation is high, generally up to 90% ~ 80%.
5. To facilitate farming management: Irrigation wet the root zone of the crop, the same row space to keep dry, so even a irrigation at the same time, can also be carried out in other farming activities, reduced the interaction of irrigation and other crops.
6 can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases: irrigation can reduce indoor air humidity, reduce the amount of pesticide residues, improve the quality of vegetables.
7 to improve the yield of crops: irrigation can provide better survival and growth environment, so that the yield of crops increased significantly, the average yield of 30% ~ 80%.
8: lower energy consumption than surface irrigation can reduce irrigation water by 50% ~ 70%, which can reduce the energy consumption of the general energy consumption of pumping;
Down about 30%.
9 early supply of the market: the use of irrigation systems, generally 15 to 30 days before the city.
10 to extend the market supply period: to improve the environment, can make the crops grow strong, and thus to extend the market supply period, get the best income.
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