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金属玻璃纤维u盘 OEM定制logo 足量8GB优盘 个性定制明星u盘

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Unit Price: 2.38USD/PCS
Min_QTY: 1000 PCS
Storage: 99999 PCS
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-09-11 16:58
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Company basic information
Detailed description
Place of Origin:Shenzhen, Guangdong
Source category:order goods
Data transfer rate:3500(MB/s)
Write protection switch:support
Features:Metal gift USB flash drive
Processing method:To customize
Mold opening customization:Metal U disk, mini U disk, leather case U disk, jewelry U disk, wrist U disk, watch U disk, card U disk, fashion U disk, USB pen, soft rubber U disk, military knife U disk, plastic U disk, wooden U disk, Chinese style U disk, blue and white porcelain U disk, toy U disk
U disk chip:Toshiba
Add LOGO:sure
packing:Wooden box packaging, paper box packaging, plastic box packaging, iron box packaging
The fastest delivery time:1-3 days
intended for:Needful
Whether to support one piece of consignment:I won't support it
after-sale service:One-year replacement
Invoice:Invoicing tax increase point
Capacity:1G-8G nesting price
Support mixed batch:support
Product size:90*28*10
Interface:USB 2.0
Memory capacity:8G
characteristic:Creative USB flash drive
Shell material:Metal
indicator light:have
Maximum read speed:18(MB/s)
Gift purpose:Personal gifts
Applicable gift recipients:Customers, elders, junior, leaders, subordinates, friends, colleagues, classmates, lovers, foreigners, others
Applicable gift occasions:Employee welfare, anniversary celebration, trade fair, wedding celebration, housewarming, birthday, advertising promotion, festival, award ceremony, other
Brand:Gift USB flash drive
model:Gift USB flash drive
Processing customization:yes
Maximum write speed:6(MB/s)

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