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PAI棒 耐高温耐磨PAI板 聚酰胺酰亚胺板 4203PAI板 进口PAI板 18002766208黄经理

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Unit Price: 0.16USD/千克
Min_QTY: 1 千克
Storage: 800000 千克
Delivery: After payment in 1 days Ship out
Location: Global South America, Latin America Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-09-06 22:34
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Company basic information
Detailed description
Specific gravity:1.41
Shear strength:0
Tensile strength:0
Tensile elongation:0
Flexural modulus:0
Thermal deformation temperature:0
Volume resistivity:0
Water absorption:0
Sales method:Brand distribution
Compression strength:0
Purpose:General processing machinery industrial machinery manufacturing electronic precision instruments
Usage level:General grade, filling grade, food grade, auto parts, optical grade, pipe grade, electronic and electrical parts, plate grade, lighting fixtures, sports equipment, medical grade, profiles, home appliance parts, wire and cable grade, power tool accessories
Manufacturer (place of origin):Germany
Processing level:Extrusion grade
Property level:Flame retardant, toughened, reinforced, thermal stability, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, UV resistance, standard, hydrolysis resistance, wear resistance, aging resistance, weather resistance, antistatic, chemical resistance, high strength, high flow, high impact resistance, high sliding, high gloss, high rigidity
Flexural strength:0
Tensile modulus:0
Izod notch impact strength:0
Izod Notched Impact Strength:0

Please contact the supplier directly.

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