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优质文胸前扣 内衣前扣批发、 胸围纽扣 优质厂家直销 服装 文胸 调节扣 泳装扣 内衣 文胸辅料扣

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Unit Price: 0.02USD/pcs
Storage: 900000 pcs
Delivery: After payment in 4 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-07-18 01:20
Company basic information
Detailed description
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Material:Cement Plastic
Specification:10mm, 12mm, 14mm
Color:Any Solid Color
Structure:Buckle Flower Shaped Front
Shape:Shape Oval
Color:Black, white, color any
Materials: RawCement Plastic
Quality Level: Excellent

The company is specialized in producing ladies bra plastic buckle, chest circumference adjustment buckle, bra clasp, back buckle, plastic buckle, alloy buckle series of underwear accessories by imported environment-friendly raw materials, products have passed Oeko TEX-100 environmental certification, welcome the underwear manufacturers contact with our.
The company has own alloy and plastic mold. can according to customer requirements to develop the required specifications, shape memory alloy, plastic products, such as quantity to meet the requirements of our, free of mold charges, welcome to map, sample custom.

More>Other products of the enterprise
文胸辅料 胶扣 塑胶扣厂家供应、优质泳装扣、优质厂家供应 服装装饰纽扣 文胸扣 内衣辅料 优质泳装扣 调节扣 服装装饰扣 【厂家供应】、胸围纽扣 内衣扣 批发、调节扣 文胸辅料  胶扣 塑胶扣厂家、优质塑胶扣、服饰纽扣 文胸扣  内衣辅料 厂家供应】、胸围 纽扣 内衣扣 厂家批发、调节扣 文胸辅料 胶扣 塑胶扣厂家 优质塑胶扣、服饰纽扣 文胸扣 内衣辅料 火爆文胸插片加厚硅胶乳垫比基尼游泳衣文胸垫丰胸聚拢插垫 泳衣胸垫 隐形文胸插片 硅胶胸垫 聚拢丰胸增大 三角爆乳内衣垫 透明色 硅胶插片加厚硅胶乳垫比基尼游泳衣文胸垫丰胸聚拢插垫 文胸插片加厚硅胶乳垫比基尼游泳衣文胸垫丰胸聚拢插垫 特价疯狂促销白色硅胶胸垫超赞订货胸垫硅胶
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