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Coffee items

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Unit Price: 7.00USD/kg
Min_QTY: 50 kg
Storage: 1000 kg
Delivery: After payment in 10 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia Indonesia
Available: 2025-03-07 [Expired]
Last update: 2025-02-08 11:18
Company basic information
Detailed description
Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 090121)
We would like to offer: Coffee items. Including: green coffee beans, roasted coffee beans and ground coffee (roasted coffee powder). Our coffee consist of variant: Arabica (coffea arabica) and Robusta (coffea robusta). For green coffee beans, packaging: nett. 50kg in gunny bag. For roasted coffee beans and ground coffee in metalized plastic pack. Choices: Toraja coffee, Mandailing coffee, Lampung coffee, Sidikalang coffee, Bajawa coffee, Kintamani coffee, Gayo coffee, etc.. All of our coffee items are Halal certified. Product of Indonesia. Genuine Luwak coffee (from wild chivet) also available. For any interested parties, pls kindly contact for further details. Thank you.
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