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Last update: 2022-04-02 14:22
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YZHMultifunctional engineering manipulator

YZH multi-functional engineering manipulator is a kind of mechanical equipment designed to deal with oversized rocks and stones. YZH multi-functional engineering manipulator includes secondary explosion-free crushing of large stones into smaller stones. YZH multi-functional engineering manipulator is usually used in mining, gravel aggregate yard and quarry to solve the problem that the stone is too large to enter the bin opening of the crusher. YZH multi-functional engineering manipulator is composed of four main components: hydraulic breaking hammer (used to break rocks), boom (stick), hydraulic oil station (power source) and controller (operating system).

Advantages of multifunctional engineering manipulator produced by Shandong Yuanzheng Bank:

1. Through video monitoring and remote control, the multi-functional engineering manipulator can realize accurate fixed-point positioning operation, stay away from the operation site and improve the working environment.

2. The multifunctional engineering manipulator is equipped with high-quality hydraulic hammer, and the working efficiency is significantly improved; Integrated and optimized design of the whole machine system, with better performance; High maintainability, and the failure rate is reduced by 80% compared with traditional diesel equipment.

3. The multifunctional engineering manipulator is equipped with high-performance damping system to reduce the damage of impact load to the whole machine and infrastructure; The core components are equipped with international brands, and the quality is guaranteed.

4. The multi-functional engineering manipulator is driven by motor, which is clean, energy-saving, environment-friendly and pollution-free; Compared with traditional diesel equipment, the energy consumption cost is reduced by more than 50%.

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