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Outsoles and insoles for footwear to branded footwear companies

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brand: TEMPUR

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Unit Price: 5.00USD/pairs
Min_QTY: 5000 pairs
Storage: 10000000 pairs
Delivery: After payment in 15 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2022-03-01 16:50
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Detailed description
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TEMPUR® is known for their high-quality mattresses and pillows using the unique TEMPUR® formulation. The technology was originally developed by NASA, to absorb the g-force of astronauts during shuttle launches in the early 1970s. The TEMPUR® material has been perfected for pressure-relief and adapts to your body. Nowadays, TEMPUR® has added the unique TEMPUR® material and comfort technology into each TEMPUR® insole. The shoe insert absorbs kinetic energy and releases pressure to provide comfort with each step.

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TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies TEMPUR outsoles and insoles for collaboration to  branded footwear companies
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