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Dongfang diatomite filter DL003001

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brand: yoyik

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-09-14 17:50
Company basic information
Detailed description
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The company has a large flow, high discharge pressure, good performance, high efficiency, long life, high reliability, special for the technical valve products. Our company's main products: hydraulic machinery and components, hydroelectric generating units; coal-fired generating units; generating units; electrical and electronic products processing; mechanical parts processing. Mainly engaged in the power industry host (steam turbine, water machine, boiler, turbine) accessories, spare parts, spare parts, auxiliary equipment and environmental protection equipment.
diatomite filter DL003001

lube filter LY-38/25W
Pre Filter QF9704G20H-W
filter YSF10-4
butterfly valve K50DSF4PB3
stator cooling water pump bearing DFB-80-80-240
SV25-112D DC24 Solenoid valve
filter FBX-1300*5
filter 0240R020BN3HC/-V
diatomite filter DL003001
JZJ-22-47 ZBK54019-88 bolt heating rods for steam turbines
filter STXX-250*3
oil filter YQ2U-A40*20S
oil filter LUC2-40*30
BFP actuator inlet filter HC2206FKP6Z
filter HDX-100*3Q
accumulator bladder NXQAB-40/31.5-2-A
1000V/100V 3P transformer
filter LH0110R20BN/HC
D600B-265630A Packing ring
filter LH0110R5BN/HC
6000TD 0-300mm sensor
filter HDX-400*40
filter 21FC5122-80*400/40
filter TZ-40*10
ZJ-20-33 bolt heating rods for steam turbines diatomite filter DL003001


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