Ferment the beans dregses of rice
- Ferment the beans dregses of rice
- Biology peptide, biology feed
- Already made fish mealBest substitute
Have ferment distinctly sweet smell
Action result effect
1, have ferment distinctly sweet smell, lure feeding habits admirable, improve feed special flavor, increase animal appetite, use for a long time

3, mix without antigen defy nutrient factor, those who solve an animal is nutritional diarrhoea; 4, the whole of recuperation and activation cell and airframe is active, the development of nap of path of stimulative animal bowel, promote young age function of line of animal stomach bowel, increase capacity of the disease-resistant that prevent disease, the health of stimulative animal grows development;

7, the immune function that improves animal airframe, reduce the dosage of antibiotic or replace partial antibiotic, have nutrition and the double effect that enhance immune power.
Use measure
Editor It is OK to add scale the basis raises the object, different requirement that raises level and physiology position (secrete breast, fight should stimulate, hurried grows etc) , the decision uses an amount: 1, replace serum pink entirely, milk powder substitute; 2, replace fish meal entirely, and without histamine, the stomach that do not have fleshErosion element; Without high acid value; Without cross oxygen ratio high; 3, replace pink of alvine film albumen entirelyReach the serous egg whitening of 40% , and the danger that pollutes without the bacteria; 4, excel beans dregses of riceWait for sources of all plant sex albumen. Animal dosage: Porket 10%-25% ; In big pig 5%-8% ; Kind egg birds 10%-20% ; 5%-15% of fresh water fish; Young pig 5%-15% ; Lactation sow 5%-10% ; 5%-10% of fleshy small birds; 10%-20% of fish of seawater of mandarin fish turtle; Be pregnant sow 5%-8% ; 5%-15% of flocks and herds; Shrimp crabEel 10%-25% .Nutrient index
Editor Ferment the beans dregses of rice in the market now the product is numerous, each product quality is differ, more what is more,the rather that even if quality of each batch product also does not stabilize a manufacturer. The national level that besides ferments the beans dregses of rice also did not come on stage, feedstuff database also will not ferment the beans dregses of rice 2011 include among them, the need when because this is mixed in choice product,adjusting a recipe undertakes to the product nutrient composition is analysed. List here the United States 2010 pig nutrition guideline (the nutrition that to fermenting the beans dregses of rice in National Swine Nutrition Guide) recommends a value, hope to be able to be helped somewhat:Raw material | | |