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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 袋
Storage: 8900 袋
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 21:03
Company basic information
Detailed description
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The Hunan kid feed of Chi Lechuan brand uses recipe of newest 2017 research and development, the buildup that can accelerate little kid effectively is constitution, effective fatten fatten; Feedback via comparative experiment, bodily form of bigger than other kid bodily form, unit weighs the kid of feed of kid of Hunan of use Chi Lechuan heavy bigger! The product refers a telephone call: 010-62720499, cruel manager 17743558690 (small letter) .

Characteristic of product of Hunan kid feed:
Long framework promotes bay ocean framework to form with development, promote future unripe long potential;
Prevent calculous and reasonable calcic phosphor to add conditioning agent of uric fluid acidity than reaching, prevent uric stone effectively;
Yo rumen adds rumen to control an agent, the development of stimulative rumen, promotion digests absorptivity;
Prevent a disease to prevent the disease such as kid osteoporosis, pica, diarrhoea;
Nutrition contains establish acid completely enzymatic, calcium hydrophosphate, bag is reached by VC the nurturance of nearly 30 kinds of battalion such as special vitamin, microelement separates the sheep;

Dosage of usage of Hunan kid feed:
1, special the growth at kid, every bags tasting 20 kilograms, can match 1000 jins of concentrated feed;
2, to assure the result, please strict according to recommend recipe burden and raise to feed;
3, if place has dish to dregs of rice, cotton dregses of rice wait for special raw material, can seek advice from ministry of technology of Chi Lechuan company to adjust a recipe;

Sweet clew:
1, before be like, have go up abdomen, have loose bowels, dyspeptic circumstance, does the proposal cooperate to use Chi Lechuan? Disappear of be good at stomach feeds an agent;
2, work of good drive bug is done before using this tasting, avoid feed waste.

Chi Lechuan -- dedicated do good flocks and herds to expect! Your satisfaction is our pursuit, your breed aquatics benefit is the aim that we take quality, product of Hunan kid feed refers a telephone call: 010-62720499, cruel manager 17743558690 (small letter) .

Countrywide content sorts packet of mail, one rises hair, new client head sheet can enjoy COD!

Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Agent mailto:Admin@b2bgood.com
contact supplier or email to admin@b2bgood.com for purchase help
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