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赤乐川Y340 羔羊用的复合饲料

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 袋
Storage: 8900 袋
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Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 21:01
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Manager of client of Beijing Chi Lechuan brand: He Xin 15330056305 small letters: Clcfeed6324R Electromechanical word: 010-62720499 QQ: 2528880887RR kid enters fatten fatten phase, use the compound feed that kid uses with respect to need, the compound feed that high grade kid uses can enhance kid constitution, increase bodily form and pull big framework, thereby better fatten, fatten. Of course, choosing the compound feed that kid uses also is to want to be chosen as far as possible professional, brand and high grade. RR chooses the compound feed that kid uses, basically see nutrition enough, because enough nutrition is to make sure kid is fast the assurance of fatten fatten; Want to choose major to become the compound fodder that the brand kid of feed of flocks and herds uses as far as possible additionally, because professional brand is in,collocation of feed recipe, nutrition has professional research more, fatten effect also has safeguard more! RR Chi Lechuan -- dedicated do good flocks and herds to expect! The compound feed that the kid of Chi Lechuan brand uses contains acid of ammonia of chloridize choline, egg, cellulose the composition of nearly 20 kinds of nutrition such as enzymatic, calcium hydrophosphate, and use brand-new 2017 the compound feed recipe that the kid of research and development uses. Classics client is used and feedback makes clear, the buildup that can accelerate little kid effectively is constitution, effective fatten fatten. Feedback via comparative experiment, bodily form of bigger than other kid bodily form, unit weighs the kid of the compound feed that kid of use Chi Lechuan uses heavy bigger! RRR [the characteristic of compound feed product that Chi Lechuan kid uses]frame of R 1, stimulative kid is formed and development, promotion grows potential, weightening finish of fatten of stimulative later period; R 2, add urology epithelial fall off improve an agent, acerbity salt of stimulative make water is deliquescent, adjust value of uric fluid PH, avoid to produce stone; R 3, add rumen microbial conditioning agent, improve rumen function and enteron environment, balance ion of yin and yang, raise feed utilization rate. R 4, nutrition is comprehensive and balanced, improve kid osteoporosis, pica (bite wool, gnaw earth, drink make water to wait) , the nutrient metabolization such as diarrhoea is hoof disease, ill. RR [the dosage of compound feed usage that Chi Lechuan kid uses]R 1, special the growth at kid, every bags tasting 20 kilograms, can match 1000 jins of concentrated feed; R 2, to assure the result, please strict according to recommend recipe burden and raise to feed; R 3, if place has dish to dregs of rice, cotton dregses of rice wait for special raw material, can seek advice from ministry of technology of Chi Lechuan company to adjust a recipe; RRManager of R advanced client: He Xin, mobile phone: 15330056305, QQ date: 2528880887R whole nation is unified exempt long-distance service hot line: 010-62720499 small letter: Clcfeed6324R is carried freely seek advice for breeding a technologyRRR
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