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供应饲料 永多饲料级 玉米酒糟 厂家直销 质量保证 欢迎来电洽谈

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 10 吨
Storage: 1000 吨
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia Bhutan
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 21:01
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Corn distiller's grains, the thick broken bits that the depart in the incomplete fluid that after by yeasty barmy some kind of cereal or cereal mixture distill extract alcohol, remains gives, via the product of dry earning. Should be normally before this name the cereal name with the mainest line out.

FeedIndustry: Do thick lees DDG DDS of dry lees soluble substance does DDGS GB/T 10647-2008 1 of whole distiller's grainsThick lees Distiller ' S Dried Grain; The thick broken bits that the depart in the incomplete fluid that after by yeasty barmy some kind of cereal or cereal mixture distill extract alcohol, DDG remains gives, via the product of dry earning. Should be normally before this name the cereal name with the mainest line out, if corn does thick lees. Distiller of soluble substance of 2 dry lees ' S Dried Solubles; The petty dissolubility that the depart in the incomplete fluid that after by yeasty barmy the distill in some kind of cereal or cereal mixture extracts alcohol, DDS remains gives content, via condensing, dry hind the product of earning. Should be normally before this name the cereal name with the mainest line out, if corn works lees soluble substance.

Distiller of 3 dry whole distiller's grains ' S Dried Grain With Solubles; DDGS

After by yeasty barmy the distill in some kind of cereal or cereal mixture extracts alcohol, condense the of at least 3/4 solid form content in fluid of the rest incomplete, dry hind the product of earning. Should be normally before this name the cereal name with the mainest line out, be like cornDryCompleteLees.

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