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赤乐川Y940 产后母羊饲料

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 2000 件
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Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 20:59
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Welcome you seek advice, 18612139059(small letter) , QQ:3112282536, client manager: Luo Xiaorong, postpartum ewe feed - Beijing Chi Lechuan
Common saying says " it is difficult to raise a sheep, it is actually it is difficult to raise postpartum ewe! " it is thus clear that postpartum ewe is raising a sheep to produce medium significant position. Outstanding postpartum ewe feed, besides demand of nutrition of completely full contented and postpartum ewe, improve accident of postpartum ewe constitution considerably, can raise rate of postpartum ewe oestrus, kitten rate effectively, increase the odds of double kid, much kid greatly at the same time, rise breed benefit.
Chi Lechuan is postpartum ewe feed characteristic:
1, complement is planted all sorts of nurture that ovine place needs are qualitative, ensure the nutrient demand of postpartum and postpartum ewe;
2, design according to characteristic of postpartum ewe physiology, improve postpartum ewe effectively postpartum function, rate of oestrus of the ewe after raising high yield, be impregnated rate and secrete breast are measured;
3, enhance ability of disease-resistant of postpartum ewe immunity, the lamb of antenatal run off of easy to postpartum ewe hair, postpartum break down, postpartum heat, postpartum be short of breast, endometritis, not the effect that the disease such as oestrus, osteoporosis and digestion disease all have better precaution and able-bodied constitution. ;
4, improve postpartum ewe constitution and ram hybridization ability, lengthen use fixed number of year;
5, feed deserves to allow than scientific essence, for postpartum ewe postpartum escort the Emperor convoy, it is the optimal option that dimensions raises ovine field.
6, raise double kid and much kid rate effectively, double high rate exceeds 60% !
Advantage of Chi Lechuan technology:
1, the research and development of nutrition of dedicated flocks and herds, feed and production, more dedicated;
2, experience of skill of more than 10 years of ruminant, debug a recipe of feed of outstanding and postpartum ewe!
3, the company is located in poineering garden of Chinese farming big international, with institute of vet of pasturage of Chinese agriculture college development of group of Yang Yang task cooperates, will new technology, new achievement applies at current product;
4, use Chi Lechuan is postpartum after ewe feed product, chi Lechuan offers instructor of whole journey, complete set;

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