Pine needle pinkIt is the young burgeon that will repair scissor from pine come with needle leaf gather up, the course is dry, smash and become. Pine needle pink green, a faint fragrance, it is the value of a kind of nutrition that in recent years people is developing is higherCultivate birdsFeed additive.
- Pine needle pink
- Nutrient value taller
- Cultivate birds feed additive
- The young burgeon that scissor repairs on pine with needle leaf
Biology active material. Pine needle not only have fair nutrient value, still have effect of a variety of physiology active function. Pine needle pink is the young burgeon that will repair scissor from pine come with needle leaf gather up, the course is dry, smash and become. Pine needle pink green, a faint fragrance, it is the value of a kind of nutrition that people is developing additive of taller cultivate birds feed. Rich nutrient material is contained to apperception of yellow ketone, hormone, terpene adds up to content to wait for biology active material not only in pine needle. Accordingly, pine needle not only have fair nutrient value, still have effect of a variety of physiology active function.
Pine needle pink uses as additive of cultivate birds feed or direct raise feed cultivate birds, can save feed not only, reduce cost, and grow to promoting cultivate birds development, increaseDisease-resistant force and raise reproductive function to wait to all have apparent stimulative effect.
Raise with value
EditorPine needle pink by masson pine, Huang Shansong, pine of Hei Song, Japanese red pine, fallen leaves, Chinese pine, camphor tree child loose, the leaf treatment of dragon spruce and fir is made, contain rich crude protein, adipose, microelement and vitamin. According to determining, pine needle pink contains crude protein 7%-12% , 18 kinds of amino acerbity total content such as lysine, lucid asparagus acid amount to 5.5%-8.1% , contain crude fat 7%-12% , content of the soak that do not have nitrogen 37% , ash content 2%-6% , iron, manganese, cobaltic content all prep above is general grazing, pine needle pink contains vitamin A former, B a group of things with common features, C, K, E, among them vitamin C content is 540-650 milligram / kilogram, chlorophyll 700-2200 milligram / kilogram, pine needle pink contains sign of metabolizable energy 16.72-30.90 anxious / kilogram.
Battalion nurturance is divided
As careless as lucerne pink, green hay pink and pink of pagoda tree leaf are compared, the content of content of the dry matter of pine needle pink, crude fat, soak that do not have nitrogen is highest, the fatty acid that contains in crude fat among them has not saturated sex, can improve fleshy quality effectively. Thick protein content differs because of pine breed and somewhat difference, those who divide Chinese pine (5.64% ) inferior outside, the thick protein content of other pine needle and lucerne careless pink are about the same. The protein content in Huang Shansong is 11.9% , the content in deciduous leaf pine is 15.2% , the content of other breed is in about 8% the left and right sides. In pine needle pink not only protein content is higher, and the amino acerbity composition in protein is relatively comprehensive also, contain 17 kinds of amino acid in all, 8 kinds when include animal place to need among them amino acidAmino acerbity
Pine needle pink contains 18 kinds of amino acid, included 9 kinds of when animal place needs indispensible and amino acid, 54% what need amino acid takes total amino sick at heart. Accordingly, pine needle pink is added in feed, can improve the protein quality of feed, the compensatory animal need to amino acid.
The microelement that contains in pine needle pink amounts to more than kinds 40, more careless than lucerneContained microelement is even rich. Content of the microelement in pine needle pink is respectively (Mg/kg): ? ?6, manganese 215, iron 329, zinc 38, selenium 3.6, cobaltic 0.58, molybdenum 0.87.Inorganic element
Potassium of element of the constant in pine needle pink, calcic, magnesian content all seed of prep above corn is solid, and seed of soja of calcic content far outclass is solid. Other microelement amounts to more than kinds 40, and content is rich. The content of copper, iron, manganese, zinc fact of seed of prep above corn and soja seed fact, among them 2 times what zincic content is soja and corn seed fact. Heavy metal and toxic element content are few, it is under limitative quantity, pink of demonstrative pine needle avirulent, side-effect.Carotene
The carotene content in pink of of all kinds pine needle is in commonly 69 ~ between 356mg/kg. Carotene is inside cultivate body but A of translate into vitamin, can effective prophylaxis and treatment the dermatosis that birds of each stud stock lacks place to cause because of vitamin A.Vitamin
The most active in the part that pine needle place contains the most important also is vitamin part, and with vitamin A head the list. The place in pine needle pink contains vitamin A source -- carotene, it is all edibility plant in (include vegetable, fruit, forage grass and leaf) the 10 times above of carotene content, it is corn, beans dregses of rice nearly 100 times of kind of carotene content. Before RussiaThe quality index of standard of promulgated country of pine needle pink reachs the quality level that domestic document raises, also decide its grade with the discretion of carotene content. Additional, many vitamin E is contained in pine needle pinkWait with vitamin C. Accordingly, long-term raise is mixed with the immune power that can increase cultivate birds fight should stimulate ability. Many vitamin C and vitamin E are contained to wait in pine needle pink. Among them the content of vitamin C is 950 ~ 2203mg/kg about, long-term raise grows with what can promote cultivate birds, increase its to fight should be stimulated and immune force, prevent and cure a few common cultivate birds diseases. The content of vitamin E is commonly between 201 ~ 1266mg/kg, often use pine needle pink to have precaution and the function that control organism cell film to cross oxidation, can rise to fight anile action.Fat kind material
The fat in pine needle pink kind corporeal content is higher also. According to rough estimation: ? Mu of instrument of the big pool that burn imperial order is planted ~ of?.8% of pod of throat of contest 13.1% between, the fatty acid that contains in crude fat among them has not saturated sex, can improve fleshy quality effectively.Other material
Naphtha, colophony, chlorophyll is contained in pine needle pink, still contain plant hormone, plant alexin, sealed grow factor(UGF) wait for biology active material, can see poison bug, restrain airframe inside harmful microbial growth is progenitive, eliminate dyspepsia stagnation of the circulation of vital energy, stimulative cultivate birds grows. To the flat of pink of masson pine pine needle curb bacterium experiment makes clear: Leaf of masson pine pine needle encircles a diameter to be in to bacterium of 6 kinds of microbial curb 8~16mm, demonstrate the curb bacterium ability of moderate rate, right microbial have curb bacterium active. Fizzle out to pathogenic bacteria gold among them lubricious grape coccus, coliform organisms all has stronger curb bacterium capacity, can choose as antibacterial content origin.