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赤乐川N350 鲁西犊牛速肥饲料

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 2000 件
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Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 20:58
Company basic information
Detailed description
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Advisory phone: 010-62720499, 18612139059 (small letter is synchronous) , QQ:3112282536, client manager: Luo Xiaorong, reduce for you breed cost, rise breed benefit!

Beijing Chi Lechuan major does photograph of good ox makings to compare northeast Lu Xidu Niu Zengfei feed our some advantage
1, masterly technical support, add fat feed recipe excellently, professional service group.
2, high grade raw material, our supplier is domestic big plant rises include Andisu, land Gao Sha, live to be mixed friendlily, newly, those Fu Ai, raw material sufficient, function stabilizes fast fertilizer;
3, raise a recipe freely, rise freely breed a technology.
4, make good ox material only, pay attention to character, strict accuse product stability.
Characteristic of feed of Niu Zengfei of Chi Lechuan Lu Xidu:
1, compensatory calf place needs vitamin, microelement, mineral element to wait, enhance calf immunity power, effective precaution calf is of all kinds the happening of the disease
2, decompose thoroughly to forage grass, absorb complete, save essence of life to add fat feed, fodder considerably, managing cost.
3, remarkable stimulative skeleton opens business, development, increase type of build or figure, be helpful for weightening finish of fatten of beef cattle later period;
4, the improvement that takes rumen core place and beneficial microbial breed, enhance rumen function;
5, beef cattle constitution is hale appearance of handsome, substance is orderly bright and clean, Pi Guangmao is bright
The fat feed that add fertilizer is aimed at Niu Su of use Lu Xidu it is again normal that ox of Lu Xidu ox, Xialuolai, Limuzan, the Eclectics, earth ox, ox, buffalo is waited a moment 20% weightening finish rise to lead on the foundation that grow, reduce cost for you while, rise raise
Breed benefit.
Component of our ox product is: Cow adds fat feed, fatten ox adds fat feed, the beef cattle grows frame to add fat feed to add fat feed.

The product seeks advice from a hot line: 010-62720499, 18612139059 (small letter is synchronous) , QQ:3112282536, client manager: Luo Xiaorong. Technical ministry phone: 400-669-8210 Chi Lechuan expects your incoming telegram. (Beijing Haidian)

Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Agent mailto:Admin@b2bgood.com
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