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赤乐川N650 育肥牛专用饲料

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Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-02 20:55
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Small letter of greeting advisory 010-62720499, 18612139059() , client manager: Luo Xiaorong, QQ:3112282536, fatten ox is special feed major brand, Beijing Chi Lechuan.
The beef cattle grows potential. Fast become fat grows fleshy weightening finish. Mean monthly weightening finish 90 jins. Niu Yuezeng of hoisting jack above weighs 110 jins of above! Choose ox of beef cattle fatten special feed admits please accurate " ox of fatten of brand of Beijing Chi Lechuan " is special feed.
Ox of beef cattle fatten is special feed product characteristic
1. uses this tasting. Can raise fatten rate of the beef cattle significantly. Unit bodily form says great. Rise breed benefit.
2. uses this product for a long time to be able to increase beef class. Muscle marble lines is distinct. Tender degree tall. Dehydrate rate is low,
This 3. product a variety of component can adjust rumen environment. Be helpful for rumen breeding microbially benignantly. Remarkable to improving rumen function result.
4. uses this product. Fatten early days can raise the skeletal growth rate of young ox. Open business quickly framework. Make the beef cattle has a huge fatten type of build or figure, because have ideal bodily form base. Fatten later period is rapid weightening finish. Promote muscle quickly to grow with adipose deposit. Raise fatten rate significantly. Whole journey is mean monthly weightening finish can amount to 50kg above. Wash out weightening finish of bovine fatten day to be able to amount to 3kg above.
5. is tasted originally have add fat fast. Save product. Improve the flesh to pledge. Indigestion of prevention and cure. Restrain diarrhoea. The effect such as rumen distension of abdomen caused by accumulation of gas or fluid due to dysfunction of liver and spleen.
Appearance of substance of the ox after 6. raise feeds this tasting is bright and clean. Hair color shines. Constitution is hale. To cross the beef cattle can improve character and exit grade.

The incoming telegram refers a telephone call: 010-62720499 18612139059 (small letter) QQ: 3112282536, contact: Luo Xiaorong
Small signal: Search Clcfeed to pay close attention to Chi Lechuan small letter please, participate in an activity to draw big praise!

Beijing brand, character safeguard;
Concentrated fixed position, dedicated flocks and herds;
Brand-new recipe, outstanding effect,
Whole journey is directive, character is efficient. (Beijing Haidian)

Please Contact The Supplier. Or Apply For Purchasing Agent mailto:Admin@b2bgood.com
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