Advisory phone 400-669-8210, 18612139059 (small letter) QQ:3112282536, client manager: Luo Xiaorong encircles feed of the nutrition that raise a sheep, Beijing Chi Lechuan
The circle raises ovine nutrition feed, beijing cable business is offerred continuously! Day grows 8 neither is a dream!
To accelerate fatten rate, give column ahead of schedule, save the investment of nutrient feed cost on one hand, on the other hand to catch up with festal prices, breed commonly door arrived in fleshy sheep fatten period begins to use a feed of the nutrition that raise a sheep.
Use circle raises ovine nutrition feed to be able to achieve following goals:
1, accelerate fatten, give column ahead of schedule, managing cost;
2, stimulative health, decrease to fall ill and die;
3, wool arranges Pi Liang, rise sell, rise breed an accrual;
Chi Lechuan brand encircles feed of the nutrition that raise a sheep, use brand-new 2017 recipe, specific aim research and development:
1, add calcium hydrophosphate, enzymatic preparation and hurried to grow factor, accelerate fatten;
2, add fleshy sheep special and compound vitamin, microelement, stimulative health;
3, nutrition is comprehensive and balanced, decrease eat wool to bite disease of etc of wool, pica;
important clew: If want faster fatten, does the proposal cooperate Chi Lechuan? Disappear of times force element, be good at stomach feeds rumen the agent is used, grow the effect is much better, fatten speed promotes 15% above;
Beijing of Chi Lechuan brand and herd start limited company of farming herd science and technology together
Phone: 400-669-8210 18612139059 (small letter) QQ: 3112282536, client manager: Luo Xiaorong
Small signal: Search Clcfeed to pay close attention to Chi Lechuan small letter please, participate in an activity to draw big praise!
Chi Lechuan, make material of good flocks and herds!
Dedicated achievement effect!

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