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供应豆粕饲料 永多饲料级 豆粕原料 发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 质量稳定长期有货

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 10 吨
Storage: 1000 吨
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia Bhutan
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-02-01 10:59
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Detailed description
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Fermented soybean meal

Fermented soybean meal, also known as biological peptide, biological soybean meal, soybean peptide, has become the best substitute for fish meal.

Chinese name
Fermented soybean meal
Biopeptide, Biofeed
It has become the best substitute for fish meal.
Function and function

It has unique fermentation aroma, etc.

Function and function

1. It has unique fermentation fragrance, excellent appetite, improved feed flavor, increased animal appetite, and long-term use.Develop hobbies, increase animal feed intake, promote growth and reduce food consumption;
3. No antigen and anti-nutritional factors to solve animal nutritional diarrhea; 4. Regulate and activate the overall activity of cells and organisms, promote the development of animal intestinal villi, promote the gastrointestinal function of young animals, improve disease prevention and resistance, and promote the healthy growth and development of animals;6. Supplementation of large quantities to enhance the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, inhibit the growth of large and other harmful bacteria, improve the intestinal tract and reduce the occurrence of diseases;

7. Improving the immune function of animal body, reducing the dosage of antibiotics or replacing part of antibiotics, has the dual functions of nutrition and improving immunity.

Usage quantity

Editor's addition ratio can be determined according to different needs of feeding object, feeding stage and physiological state (lactation, anti-stress, growth promotion, etc.). 1. Replacement of whey powder and milk powder completely; 2. Replacement of fish meal completely without histamine and myogastric erosin; No high acid value; no high peroxide ratio; 3. Replacement of intestinal membrane protein powder and 40% plasma protein powder, and no risk of bacterial contamination; 4. Better than all vegetable protein sources such as soybean meal. Animal dosage: suckling pig 10%-25%; Zhongda pig 5%-8%; egg laying poultry 10%-20%; freshwater fish 5%-15%; piglet 5%-15%; lactating sow 5%-10%; meat small bird 5%-10%; snail turtle sea fish 10%-20%; pregnant sow 5%-8%; cattle and sheep 5%-15%; shrimp and crab eel 10%-25%.

nutritional indicator

Editors now have a large number of fermented soybean meal products on the market, and the quality of products varies from one manufacturer to another, not to mention the unstable quality of products from one manufacturer to batch. Moreover, the national standard of fermented soybean meal has not been issued, and the fermented soybean meal has not been included in the feed material database in 2011. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the nutritional components of the products when choosing products and adjusting formulations. Here are the nutritional recommendations for fermented soybean meal in the 2010 National Swine Nutrition Guide of the United States, hoping to help:
raw material

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供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料 进口大豆 花生粕发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 大厂出产长期有货 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料大豆粕 大豆皮 苹果渣 甜桔渣麦芽根 发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 大厂出产长期有货 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 质量稳定 现货供应 供应饲料 永多饲料级 玉米皮粉 厂家直销  质量保证 欢迎来电洽谈 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料发酵豆粕高蛋白 可提供样品 行货 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料 豆渣 玉米糖渣 发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 大厂出产长期有货 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料 豆渣 豆皮玉米白皮 发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 豆香浓质量稳定长期有货 供应豆粕饲料  永多饲料级 豆粕原料 进口大豆 麦麸 次粉 发酵豆粕蛋白含量高 大厂出产长期有货
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