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Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid with various beneficial roles in biological processes, such as, calcium flux and neuronal excitability, osmoregulation, detoxification and membrane stabilization. It is synthesized in cells as an end product of cysteine metabolism. Taurine level in urine is inversely proportional to the risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. Emerging beneficial effects of Taurine in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes model establishes its effectiveness as a therapeutic molecule. Therefore, determination of Taurine levels in biological samples is an important tool for research in disease diagnostics and molecular therapeutics. Taurine Assay Kit enables the measurement of Taurine level in both biological fluids as well as food products, such as energy drinks. The kit utilizes the ability of an enzyme to convert Taurine into aminoacetaldehyde and sulfite. The produced sulfite is measured using a probe which can be detected using a microplate reader (OD 415 nm). This assay kit is simple, high-throughput compatible and can detect as low as 5 nmols of Taurine. |
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