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Alkaline Phosphatase Assay kit (Fluorometric-Near Infrared) uses our SunRed Dye based substrate. The weakly fluorescent SunRed Dye phosphate is sensitive to phosphatase-induced hydrolysis, giving the SunRed Dye fluorophore that possesses intense red fluorescence. Upon phosphatase-induced hydrolysis, the SunRed Dye phosphate solution has its absorption blue-shifted more than 100 nm. The maximum absorption of SunRed Dye fluorophore at 633 nm makes this substrate an ideal NIR probe that can be readily detected with many fluorescence instrument systems often equipped with Cy5 settings. based on the near infrared fluorescence of SunRed Dye fluorophore, the signal can be easily read by a fluorescence microplate reader at Ex/Em~630/660 nm. Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit has been used for the high throughput screening of protein phosphatase inhibitors due to its low interference from biological samples. It can be performed in a convenient 96-well or 384-well microtiter-plate format and easily adapted to automation without a separation step.
https://www.creativebiomart.net/alkaline-phosphatase-fluorometric-assay-kit-near-infrared-462331.htmcontact supplier or email to admin@b2bgood.com for purchase help