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AhR (human) Assay Kit

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global North America USA
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2018-04-03 14:53
Company basic information
  • Creative BioMart
  • Already paid 0.00 USDBond
  • ContactsLily Green(Ms)    
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  • Emailcontact@creative-biomart.com
  • Telephone1-516-855-7709
  • AreaGlobal-North America-USA
Detailed description
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The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Reporter Cells include the luciferase reporter gene functionally linked to an AhR-responsive promoter. Thus, quantifying changes in luciferase expression in the treated reporter cells provides a sensitive surrogate measure of the changes in AhR activity. The principle application of this reporter assay system is in the screening of test samples to quantify any functional activity, either agonist or antagonist, that they may exert against human AhR. AhR Reporter Cells are prepared using the proprietary CryoMite process. This cryo-preservation method yields exceptional cell viability post-thaw, and provides the convenience of immediately dispensing healthy, division-competent reporter cells into assay plates. There is no need for cumbersome intermediate treatment steps such as spinand-rinse of cells, viability determinations, cell titer adjustments, or the pre-incubation of reporter cells prior to assay setup. The Human AhR assay kit is an all-inclusive system. In addition to AhR Reporter Cells, this kit provides two optimized media for use during cell culture and in diluting the users test samples, a reference agonist, Luciferase Detection Reagent, and a cell cultureready assay plate.

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