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饲料添加剂皮毛类产品诱食多酶酵母粉 酵母粉

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Unit Price: 12.70USD/袋
Min_QTY: 1 袋
Storage: 1000 袋
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-11-11 08:35
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Detailed description
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CAS Nono
packing:500g / BAG * 50 bags / bag
Alias / chemical name:yeast powder
Molecular weight:0
Molecular formula:0
Product specification:500g / BAG * 50 bags / bag
Purpose:This strain is the latest high temperature resistant yeast fermented by microorganisms (the content of living bacteria is more than 4 billion per gram), containing a variety of biological enzymes, growth promoting factors, etc
Storage method:Keep away from light, cool, dry and ventilated
Effective substance content:60 %
English Name:jiaomufen
Brand:Cangzhou Dadi grass industry center
model:Fur products

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