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Biochemicals, fake silk yeasts, price discounts, good quantity, quality assurance, long-term cooperation.

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Unit Price: 3.41USD/千克
Min_QTY: 25 千克
Storage: 50000 千克
Delivery: After payment in 3 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-11-11 00:52
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Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Chinese name:torula yeast
Chinese alias:Round yeast prion
English Name:Candida utilis
Function:It can regulate the balance of intestinal microecology, improve the digestibility of feed and enhance the immunity of animals. In addition, Candida utilis cells are rich in vitamin B and vitamin B
packing:25kg kraft paper
Application:Its protein and vitamin B content are higher than that of Candida utilis. It can use urea as nitrogen source and do not need to add any growth factors in the culture medium

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