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淘年货文胸 婷美款正品无钢圈 托聚调整拢收副乳文胸 女式内衣

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brand: 婷美

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 12615 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-11-01 00:55
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Detailed description
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Source category:goods in stock
Article No0-10
Product category:Bras
Style:Traditional type
Fabric:All cotton
Function:Gather, beautify, shape, adjust, shape, anti bacteria, massage, magnetic therapy, health care, taste, beauty back, anti light, side retraction, upper support, auxiliary breast retraction, breast enhancement, comfortable, breathable, sweat absorption
Place of Origin:Jinhua
Lining:polyester cotton
intended for:Young women
Style:Sexy and charming
Whether there is steel ring:Wireless
Design features:Embroidery, lace, metal decoration, jacquard, diamond, embroidery
Cup type:3 / 4 cup
Type of mould Cup:Thin mould cup
Shoulder strap type:Detachable shoulder strap
Button type:Back four row buckle
Suitable for season:Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Foreign trade or not:no
Color:Sapphire blue, light apricot
size:70B, 75B, 75c, 80B, 80C, 85B, 85C, 70B bra + underpants, 75B bra + underpants, 75c bra + underpants, 80B bra + underpants, 80C bra + underpants, 85B bra + underpants, 85C bra + underpants

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