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童睡袋 防踢被 厂家批发 四季用分腿式 袖完全可脱卸胆睡袋

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brand: 萌贝贝

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 6520 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-28 04:25
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Detailed description
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Brand:Cute Beibei
Recommended retail price:¥228.00-248.00
Source category:goods in stock
Applicable age:Baby clothes (0-1 years old), children's clothes (1-3 years old), children's clothes (4-6 years old), children's clothes (7-12 years old)
Fabric:Bamboo fiber and cotton lining
Fabric composition:cotton
Lining:100% cotton
Fillers:pure cotton
Style:Sleeve quilt style
Detachable sleeve:yes
Whether it can be disassembled and washed:yes
Zipper texture:nylon
Error range:1-2cm
Suitable for season:Spring, autumn, winter
Foreign trade or not:yes
Type of foreign trade:Export
Inventory or not:no
Color:Yellow, light blue, pink, coat cotton, yellow liner planting cotton, coat Cotton Pink liner planting cotton, coat cotton light blue liner planting cotton, coat cotton light purple liner planting, coat bamboo fiber pink liner space cotton, coat bamboo fiber light blue liner space cotton, coat bamboo fiber yellow liner space cotton, coat cotton pink liner space cotton, coat cotton light blue liner space cotton, Outer cotton yellow liner space cotton, outer cotton light purple liner space cotton, outer cotton light green liner space cotton, outer cotton light green liner planting cotton
Size:S-75cm, m-85cm, l-95cm, 5-6t, 7-8t (CM)
Sleeping bag:Safety split sleeping bag

Please contact the supplier directly.

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