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巴拉巴拉小猪班纳小数点国内品牌童装折扣批发走份加盟 童装

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Unit Price: 2.06USD/个
Min_QTY: 200 个
Storage: 200000 个
Delivery: After payment in 10 days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-26 04:37
Company basic information

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Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Place of Origin:Guangdong
Style:Korean version
Fabric:Ramie blended fabric
Suitable height:80cm120cm / 1 hand 5 pieces, 90cm130cm / 1 hand 5 pieces, 100cm140cm / 1 hand 5 pieces, 110cm140cm / 1 hand 4 pieces
Pattern:Stripe, grid, solid color, cartoon, avatar, letter, abstract, flower, camouflage, advertising logo
Color:White, pink, yellow, red, purple, gray, green, brown, black, light blue, Navy, dark blue, beige, light green, light yellow, violet, decor, pink, chocolate
Applicable gender:Both male and female
Inventory or not:no
Foreign trade or not:no
Source category:goods in stock
Suitable for season:summer
Brand:Fashion fish
Sleeve length:Short sleeve
Hooded or not:No hat
Suitable for age group:Infants and children (02 years old), primary and secondary school children (27 years old), middle and large school children (816 years old)
Photo taken:Official picture
The needle distance of flat car is 12-14 needles / 3cmyes

Please contact the supplier directly.

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contact supplier or email to admin@b2bgood.com for transport and cleanrance agent

ABB  3HNA006144-001 || Email:sales5@askplc.com 秋款童装 儿童打底衫 女童秋 童装批发 厂家直批 外贸针织衫 2014新款韩版潮流宝宝时尚礼服外贸小西装儿童西服外套 外贸 外贸原单 童装批发 韩版冬季新款 纯棉暖倍儿背心 童马甲 S 儿童牛仔衬衫 最新款zar童衬衫  a皮口袋外贸衬衫 13春 外贸童装批发 女童好品质 无袖T恤衫 吊带衫 背心 原单 女童背心t恤夏装新款2015儿童白色打底衫女宝宝外贸吊带衫夏 外贸原单童装批发 橘黄色okaidi外贸卫衣
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