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专柜儿童礼服西服 正品男童西装 010岁童装燕尾服 主持人

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brand: 韩版

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Unit Price: Negotiable
Min_QTY: 1 件
Storage: 4795 件
Delivery: After payment in days Ship out
Location: Global Asia China
Available: Long-term effectiveness
Last update: 2015-10-25 11:15
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Detailed description
===under info was translated buy computer===
Brand:Korean version
Source category:goods in stock
Place of Origin:Beijing
Age appropriate:Primary and middle school children (2-7 years old), middle and large children (8-16 years old)
Applicable gender:male
Suitable season:Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Fabric:Polyester cotton
Foreign trade or not:no
Color:White, black
Suitable height:Size 1 suggests height of 70-80cm, size 2 suggests height of 80-90cm, size 3 suggests height of 90-95cm, size 4 suggests height of 95-100cm, size 5 suggests height of 100-105cm, size 6 suggests height of 105-110cm, size 7 suggests height of 110-115cm, size 8 suggests height of 115-120cm, size 9 suggests height of 120-125cm, size 10 suggests height of 125-130cm, and size 11 suggests height of 130-135cm, Size 12 recommended height 135-140cm

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