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Vane Type Demister Pad

品牌: Hebei Drahtgeflecht Knitted Mesh Co., Ltd.

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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 全球 亚洲 中国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-12-31 17:41


也称为叶片组除雾器、旋风除雾器过滤器、滤油网垫。叶片式除雾器除雾器衬垫主要由不锈钢编织编织网、FRP或PP加工而成。由不锈钢304编织丝网制成的叶片组除雾器通常用于去除雾和液体;使其夹带在加热过滤系统中。丝网叶片式除雾器分离器是一种气液分离装置。主要用于分离直径大于3~5微米的液滴。SS 304叶片式除雾器衬垫(W型)是为土耳其、泰国、印度和巴基斯坦以及其他国家设计的出口产品。本页还介绍了它的工作原理。


When the air with mist rises up at certain speeds and gets through wire mesh, mist will collide with wire and will be attached on the surface of wire in the effect of rising inertia. The dispersion and sedimentation makes mist form bigger and bigger drops until it is heavier than the combined forces of gas rising force and liquids surface tensile and wires capillarity. Therefore, liquid drop will be separated and fall off from wire. Mist is essentially eliminated after gas gets through wire mesh demister.

Illustrated as below how it works with gas scrubbers and various towers.

Major Types:

Vane Pack Demister Pad (W type) 1200 x 1200 x 150

AISI 304 SS Knitted Wire Mesh Demister Pad Model 450

Diameter: 450 mm.
Thickness: 200 mm.
Density: 280 Kg. / m3
Material: AISI 304 Stainless Steel

AISI 304 1200 x 1200 x 150 mm Mist Elimintor Demister Pad

AISI 304 SS Knitted Wire Mesh Circular Demister Pad Model 1392
Diameter: 1392 mm.
Thickness: 200 mm.
Density: 240 Kg. / m3
Material: AISI - C 304 Stainless Steel

AISI 304 SS Knitted Wire Mesh Demister Pad Model 694
Diameter: 694 mm.
Thickness: 200 mm.
Density: 280 Kg. / m3
Material: AISI - C 304 Stainless Steel

AISI 304 SS Knitted Wire Mesh Demister Pad Model 1194
Diameter: 1194 mm.
Thickness: 200 mm.
Density: 280 Kg. / m3
Material: AISI - C 304 Stainless Steel

AISI 304 SS Knitted Wire Mesh Demister Pad Model 1494
Diameter: 1494 mm.
Thickness: 200 mm.
Density: 280 Kg. / m3
Material: AISI - C 304 Stainless Steel

SS Vane Pack Demister Pads for Separator Skid

Range of Production: Circular Demister Pads can be produced in varied degrees of density with 99.99% Efficiency.

Vane Pack Demister Assembled with Support Bars

Streamline : 3 phases, plain without hook
Material : SUS 304
Condition : Assembled (c/w Assembling support bars)
Vanes spacing : 25 mm
Stage : Single
Shape : Circular, segmented to 3 segments (parts)
Dimension : Ø.2900 * H.200 (mm)

Typical Applications

Air-conditioning and air management;
Knitted metal mesh pad used in filter constuction for galley/kitchen hoods for the retaining of moisture/steam and grease droplets;
Used as air filters, breathers and separators made for cars, trucks and farm equipment;
For shock absorber mounts, soundproof generator pad, air conditioning humidifier pad, shielding, sealing of engine exhaust systems and similar high temperature applications.

Learn more about Demister Filters:

Pad Filter Types according to Efficiency: Standard Type, High Efficiency and Shock Absorption Types

Knitted Mesh Type Demisters with Grids: Made of Stainless Steel 316 Wire Mesh Layer, Designed with Steel Bar Support Grid

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